Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hoscopes for the Week ummmm...

* - Aries: Your fucked
(The Ram) (cardinal, fire, personal): In astrology Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. The sun sign dates for Aries are March 21 — April 19.

* - Taurus: Your fucked
(The Bull) (fixed, earth, personal): In astrology Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and for a few modern astrologers, the dwarf planet Ceres. The sun sign dates for Taurus are April 20 — May 20.

* - Gemini: Your fucked
(The Twins) (mutable, air, personal): In astrology Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. The sun sign dates for Gemini are May 21 — June 20.

* - Cancer: Your fucked
(The Crab) (cardinal, water, personal): In astrology Cancer is ruled by the Moon. The sun sign dates for Cancer are June 21 — July 22.

* - Leo: Your fucked
(The Lion) (fixed, fire, social): In astrology Leo is ruled by the Sun. The sun sign dates for Leo are July 23 — August 22.

* - Virgo: Your fucked
(The Virgin) (mutable, earth, social): There is some debate in regards to a modern ruler of this sign with Chiron, Pallas, Vesta and Ceres often considered candidate by some modern astrologers, but the planet Mercury is typically used as the default by tradition pending a consensus among modern practitioners; but no one knows if or when this will be. The sun sign dates for Virgo are August 23 — September 22.

* - Libra: Romance is highlighted for you today but with some give and take needed. Minor tensions can be avoided if you are willing to meet in the middle, even though you know you are in the right. Just be a little gracious, let the other person have their say and watch the mood lift!
(The Scales) (cardinal, air, social): In astrology Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. The sun sign dates for Libra are September 23 — October 22.

* - Scorpio: Your fucked
(The Scorpion) (fixed, water, social): In astrology Scorpio is ruled by the planets Mars and Pluto. The sun sign dates for Scorpio are October 23 — November 21.

* - Sagittarius: Your fucked
(The Archer) (mutable, fire, universal): In astrology Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. The sun sign dates for Sagittarius are November 22 — December 21

* - Capricorn: Your fucked
(The Sea-goat) (cardinal, earth, universal): In astrology Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. The sun sign dates for Capricorn are December 22 — January 19. The earth form of Capricorn is hard cold winter grounds or mountains.

* - Aquarius: Your fucked
(The Water Carrier) (fixed, air, universal): In astrology Aquarius is ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus. The sun sign dates for Aquarius are January 20 — February 19.

* - Pisces: Your fucked
(The Fish) (mutable, water, universal): In astrology Pisces is ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune. The sun sign dates for Pisces are February 20 — March 20